FE 35mm F1.4 GM | Photography on the go | Review by Tavepong Pratoomwong
Tavepong is an award-winning street photographer from Thailand who has taken home first place honours at the Miami Street Photography Festival, the LACP Street Shooting Around the World competition, and others. His photos continue to captivate, inspire and wow audiences across the globe.
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Creative musings and inspirations
The first time I fell in love with photography was during my university days. But the love affair soon fizzled out and I almost gave up on my passion. Fortunately, at the end of 2013, my wife surprised with an anniversary gift that would change my life – it was a ticket to Varanasi, India, a location so inspiration that I fell head over heels in love with snapping photos again!

I find inspiration from travelling to new places and meeting new people. And while it's not necessarily the new locations that I take inspiration from, I do find that a change in location also often brings a new viewpoint and mindset – and that's where true inspiration comes from.

Taking to the streets with a prime lens
My favourite camera and lens pairing is the Sony Alpha 7C and the FE 35mm F1.4 GM prime lens. I find that the biggest benefit of having a prime lens with you – especially when snapping street photography – is that you can simply focus on the subject in front of you, without being concerned about changing your field of view.
It's also simple to compose shots with a prime lens, you just walk closer or further away from your subject, then snap your desired shot. And in terms of image quality, clarity and colour, prime lenses have no rivals – they beat zoom lenses in every aspect here.

Is this real life… or is this fantasy?
Shots like these are one of the main appeals of street photography to me. This shot wasn't happenstance, it's a deliberate attempt to trick audiences' eyes – and if you saw a dog riding a bike, then it's a successful optical illusion.
This shot was taken from a high angle using the Sony Alpha 7C's vari-angle LCD, the clarity of the FE 35mm F1.4 GM prime lens, and a helping of creativity.

Run wild, run free
Once again, the Sony Alpha 7C's vari-angle LCD screen comes in handy! This is a low angle shot, where I've placed my camera almost on top of the water – creating a mirror-like effect, while also playing tricks with the sizes and distances of the animals.
The FE 35mm F1.4 GM prime lens really shines here – capturing jaw dropping colours, while retaining an incredible amount of detail in both bright and dark colours. If you look closely, you should be able to read the text in the dark area of the horse's neck – that's the mark of an exceptional prime lens.

My, what long arms you have!
Typically, I seldom shoot photos like these, but I'm glad I was in the right place to capture this moment – and had the perfect equipment with me. In this scene, a young boy stands out from the landscape. And in this moment, he's throwing sand into the river – and the sand appears like an extension of his arms, giving this photo a mysterious and otherworldly feel.
The FE 35mm F1.4 GM prime lens is a star once again, as it captures both light and dark details with extraordinary clarity, which is an essential element of this shot's appeal.
Creativity, enhanced by a prime lens
I enjoy showcasing the creative side of street photography. I'm not content with simply showing life as it is, but rather, taking everyday moments and transforming them into captivating snapshots.

I like photos that entice people to have a second, or even third look, as they ponder on the strange, funny and mysterious image they've just seen – and the Sony Alpha 7C and FE 35mm F1.4 GM prime lens help me to capture these thought-provoking shots!